Wow!!! When we recieved the Scepter, crown, and flags all I could ask sister Marshia was "were these manufactured in heaven and sent down to earth?" The weapons are made so Prophetically and with such anointing. God uses these weapons so Powerfully when Army of the Lord Ministries goes into the streets of Indianapolis every week. Souls are being saved, delivered and set free. Glory to God.
Ozzie & Stella
Indianapolis, IN
We are so grateful to the Lords Hidden Treasures and Sis Marshia. We ordered some flags and a crown from them. The day we received the crown and flags we walked through the sanctuary of our ministry with the crown all of sudden we felt a wind, and the anointing fell, we worshiped and praised while in worship we felt heat in the sanctuary. We thank God for them. This continued on Sunday as well, we have shifted to a new place. I decree apostolic blessings upon all of you at the Lord's Hidden Treasures. Blessings Apostle Kevin Bailey
Indianapolis, IN
The weapons of praise and worship are awesome, thank God for them!!!
Chicago, IL
I liked all of your creations. Will check back frequently. Thanks for the great selections available.
Chicago, IL
“The Dining with the King centerpiece sets added that special royal touch to the event. The sets were just lovely!"
Chicago, IL